ABENGOA, Nov 2012 - May 2017

Developing biofuels plant projects as Process Engineer and Simulation Manager for different bussines units (Abengoa Bienergy New Technologies, Abengoa Research and Abengoa Energy). Basic Engineering Documentation Coordinator as key role to boost whole team productivity.
Graphic Summary

Experience Highlights
Fulcrum (2016-2017): Project for converting municipal solid waste (MSW) into low-carbon transportation fuels utilizing novel technologies in an innovative, clean and efficient thermochemical process. Responsible for technology evaluation and basic engineering of gasification and Fischer-Tropsch areas. Fulcrum Sierra Biofuels Plant HAZOP staff
Buthanol ENZ(2015): Biobuthanol production by enzimes. Revamping of Bioethanol plant to Biobuthanol one. Responsible for utilities basic engineering and areas integration.
Ethanol 2G (2014-2016): Bioethanol production by enzimes from farm waste. Custom engineering development. Responsible of different areas in each project (Steam generation, distillation).
BECS (2013-2017): Project focused on the standardization of the developing of each area inside a basic engineering project. Once the result of each area followed a model, a tool was developed to join all the information into a basic engineering package, removing error sources during this step. The tool was implemented in Abengoa Bioenergy New Technologies Company to develop projects below Waste to ethanol product and Second Generation Ethanol products. Then, it was implemented in Abengoa Research Company to develop projects of Enzymatic Buthanol production.
Waste to Ethanol (2012-2016): Bioethanol production by enzimes from municipal solid waste. Developing of custum basic engineering for public processes. Responsible of different areas along the time (Acid pretreatment, distillation, evaporation, waste drying). Responsible of energy integration.